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Grandmaster Puneet Som Mathur | Best Predictor

Know the reasons for your FAILURES in your Horoscope Kundli Doshas This could be your LIFE CHANGER! It's only $14.99

“I can tell you about the Doshas or the malefic influences in your horoscope which are hampering your progress in life. I can also tell you about the Possible Remedies for each Malefic influence of planets found in your Kundli. or Horoscope through a report via your registered email.”

Have you felt that you are not able to achieve your full POTENTIAL in life?

Or the competition just feels Overwhelming?
Don't Fret Help is at hand!

Hello There , I am Grandmaster Puneet Som Mathur , Professional Predictor and Astrologer, AI Consultant & Author. I’m an qualified MBA from La Trobe University, Australia. I’ learned Prediction from my ethereal Guru Sage Agastya in states of deep meditation. Ever since learning these ancient techniques I started making them available to all without discrimination of any caste or creed or sex. For betterment of humanity I wrote a book series of three volume Prediction Secrets where thousands of people have benefitted by learning prediction techniques step by step . Come & experience the life changing experience of this divine science.

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WHY Kundli Dosha service?

How will it help me?

Do you feel you are stuck in ajob for long without a promotion? Are repeatedly unsuccessful in your ventures? Are you trying to navigate to the best Love partner that you can get on this planet Earth? Are you looking for ways to becoming successful in life?
The Vedic Horoscope malefic effects service helps you find out what are the malefic effeccts in your kundli that are stopping you from becoming successful. Not only that it gives you step by step easy remedies for those doshas such as Kaal sarp dosha Kuja dosha etc.


How Vedic Horoscope Malefic Effects Service will help you?

Vedic Horoscope Malefic Effects Service will help you to 

Find out those painful karmic malefic effects which are stopping from being successful in life be it Job, Career, Money. 

So, by doing these simple to do remedies you will be able to smoothen out your life problems. You will be able to make a smart judgement with this report on the accurate steps that you need to take in order to become more successful.


What Will Be In The Report?

List of all the Malefic planetary effects in your horoscope.

Remedies in for the malefic effects in your horoscope.

Timing of Doshas and when the remedies should be done.


By Using your Remedies report you will be able to change your life towards your desired goals.

All communication will be done on email or Whats App only (+91 7975451287)

Pls mention your Real Birth Date

Pls mention your Real Time of Birth

Pls mention your Real Place of Birth Date

Your Full Legal Name

The RReport will be given in 24 to 48 working hrs due to high volume on Whatsapp or email

Come get the Vedic Malefic effects service report. This could be your Life Changer!


Limited Period Offer $14.99

Book Consultation Now


    Q- How Vedic Malefic birthchart service can help me?

    A- Vedic Malefic birthchart service or Kundli Dosha service & can help you in every sphere of life particularly in Career, Health & Relationships.

    Q- Will your remedies solve all my problems?

    A- This is a strong myth that any Predictor or any occultist can solve your problems.Your problems are your very own. You need to have faith and do the remedies as mentioned in the report. Sometimes the remedies show immediate results or sometimes show results after a year also. It really depends on your karma and the karmic cycle you are in.

    Q- How much do your remedies cost?

    A- I suggest non expensive or very less expensive remedies which may require to visit some specific temples or more effective and fast than the expensive remedies suggested by most occultistss.

    Q- Do you accept all Payment types?

    A- Yes we have tied up with Paypal you can send payments directly to paypal account puneet.mathurs@gmail.com

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